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How do leaders break old behaviour patterns and become more proactive?
ManpowerGroup was undergoing a business transformation and recognised a need for culture change. Leaders understood “culture eats strategy for breakfast” but were unwittingly reinforcing behavioural patterns that were getting in the way of the desired change. To encourage different behaviours and a more proactive attitude across the organisation, leaders would first have to change their own behaviours. But how?
During this 12-month engagement (part of a longer assignment) we worked with all departments…
Seriously Playful, Deeply Empowering
Based on interviews, we created a visual overview so people could see the existing dynamic within the organisation – the system of behaviours and which ones needed to be broken. We designed a business game so leaders could experience and realise how their behaviours affected others. We identified ways to break those less helpful behaviors and showed new, different behaviours. This was done to empower individuals and teams. As partners in change, we used the existing system analysis and 1:1 check-ins to hold people accountable, coach leaders and reinforce new behaviours for a more positive impact.
Embracing New Behaviours for Better Impact
The visual overview and game helped leaders to experience and understand the impact of their own behaviour on the rest of the organisation. With fresh insights and extra behavioural tools learned, they adapted their leadership style. There was greater focus on observing, experiencing and listening. By embodying the new behaviours, leaders were able to influence behaviour patterns across the organisation. This empowered people to be more proactive in service of the bigger vision.
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